About This Site
This website contains information on the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Vacaville, CA in the Diocese of Sacramento, California. It contains a "Future, Current and Past -Events" section which describes church events held by the parish and nearby Catholic parishes.
Due to the implementation of Traditionis Custodes in the Catholic Church which restricts the celebration of the TLM and prohibiting publication of related information on parish websites, bulletins and social media. This website offers such information here. The website is maintained by the Arlington Latin Mass Society (ALMS), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are Catholic laymen dedicated to supporting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
**Neither this website nor any website maintained by ALMS should be construed as an official parish communications platform.
For more information about ALMS, please visit our main website.
Local history: "How the Latin Mass started at St. Mary's" in Vacaville, CA. (in a nutshell it was started by Fr. Francis Stevenson as a result of the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" in July 2007) more details here: From the Our Pastor's Desk...