Past Events
The MARCH FOR LIFE in SACRAMENTO at the State Capitol Building, April 22, 2024 (and 2 art renderings of St. Francis of Assisi by Subiaco and Simabue).

Fr. Blaise Berg's Birthday Party...
Fr. Berg's Birthday...2023
Fr. Berg's 25th Anniversary 6/29/23
**TENEBRAE**: Holy Saturday Prayer Service (March 30, 2024) begins at 6:00 A.M More info is in "future & past events" and "prayers" sections.
Tenebrae Service on Easter Holy Saturday 6am 4/8/23; start at 12:21
Time Stamp List below for the Tenebrae video (refer to copy of Tenebrae pdf located in "Prayer" section of menu, top right).
Pontifical High Mass for the Beatification of Blessed Karl of Austria at St. Mary's on October 21, 2021 with Archbishop Salvatore Cordilieone of San Francisco (amazingly after Traditiones Custodes on July 16, 2021). "Copyright notice on all photos and web-content related to this website: All rights reserved; by St. Mary's TLM-Men's group as of October 21, 2021"