Choir Resources

ALL SUNDAY PROPERS ARE AVAILABLE in the "PROPERS" section in the MENU above but also available on the right side rear table as you walk into St. Mary's main aisle.


 3rd Sunday of Lent

Introit • ScoreVideoMp3Organist • Oculi mei semper ad Dominum

MAlternate Version of Introit (Mode 7a)

MIntroit with “pure” Vaticana rhythm (official edition)

Mode III psalm tone for Gradual & Tract (PDF)

Gradual • ScoreVideoMp3Organist • Exsurge Domine

Tract • ScoreVideoMp3Organist • Ad te levavi oculos meos

Offertory • ScoreVideoMp3Organist • Justitiae Domini (SHARED)

Communion • ScoreVideoMp3(Live)OrganistColor • Passer invenit sibi domum 

The next High Mass is Passion Sunday, April 6, 2025 which is a Sung MASS by our St. Mary's Latin Mass Choir and Fr. Soliven.

Sunday, March 23, 2025 : LOW MASS RECESSIONAL HYMN: " I Heard the Voice of Jesus" by Bonar, DeBruyn and Williams....LINK TO HYMN ON YOUTUBE:  I Heard the Voice of Jesus ___(1st 3 verses). Page 458 in the Pew Missal.

 (sourced from St. Rene Goupil/ in next section below)

Gregorian Chant Propers:

- St. Rene Goupil - Gregorian Chant Propers  (just scroll down to the appropriate Sunday on the Traditional Calendar)

-USUS Antiquior - Propers for Sundays 

Are you a choir member in need of chant propers in a good 'ol fashion book?  Of course, there is the "Graduale Triplex" by Solesmis MCMLXXIX.  But even better is the Graduale Romanum 1961, Vol I & II Graduale Romanum 1961 (Vol I & II) 

How to sing Gregorian Chant by John Shaw   Also check out his other "How-To" videos, he's a great teacher!!

How to read Gregorian Chant Notation: How to read Gregorian Chant Notation.pdf