How to Easily
Grasp the Latin Mass and other Recurring Questions/Events
We will celebrate a "Missa Cantata" High Mass (every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month). All other Sundays are Low Mass celebrations. Note: we have "Fellowship Potlucks" on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Traditional Calendar for 2024: Liturgical Calendars according to the pre 1950 missal – Tridentine Catholic Website Home
Join us every Sunday (after Latin Mass) for a Pro-Life centered Rosary.
How to pray the Traditional Catholic
(Low Mass Recessional hymn...will be "O' Sanctissima", pg. 215 in Pew Missal. Verses, 1 in Latin, 2 in English but ending with "Ora, pro nobis".
St. Mary's-TLM MEN'S GROUP MEETING, for fellowship and reflections from Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.... every Tuesday at 10am at Journey's One Lake, off Vanden Road, Fairfield. For more information please email us at
For Directions (see below)>>>
All Men are welcome to our Men's Group weekly meetings. If you are interested in joining please go to the 2nd to last MENU item (top right of the web page) called "CONTACT" and send us an email.
*New Postulants known as the "Marian Friars Minor - Third Order", Marian Franciscans, have recently formed a new group ministry at St. Mary's. For more information click here: