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By now, you have received your free parish calendar. So why are Traditional Calendars so important? Have you noticed that last December, the Feast Day of the "Immaculate Conception of the BVM" was noted on Sunday Dec. 8, 2024 in the E.F. but was shown as on Dec. 9th in O.T.??
Yes, there is Extraordinary Form has a different calendar (the old calendar of the millenium). This February 2nd, in the Extraordinary Form calendar will show "the Feast Day of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary". But there is also another name, the Ordinary Time calendar will call it "The Presentation of the Lord" in Ordinary Time. Why is also called "Candlemas"? If you know your catechism, isn't that the same thing? What is the correct name? Is it a Marian Feast or the Feast of the Lord? The last time this Feast day fell on a Sunday was in 2003. Click below for answers:
Feast Days that land on Sundays: Questions: Feast Day of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Candlemas
Non solum: "the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord" or "Candlemas" Liturgical Notes on Candlemas
**The Traditional One Year Lectionary: Strength in Simplicity
Here is a great website for hard to find Latin Mass Resources like TLM Daily Missals: Latin Mass Helper Website
Which is the "Best Catholic TLM Missals". Another great resource from Catholic Family News (click here >) "What is the Best Catholic Missal?"
DISCERNING "RELIGIOUS LIFE"? WHAT IS THE SPIRITUAL LIFE? Answer: it is living out your baptismal promise.
👉** What does this list of Saints have in common?
-St. Joseph of Cupertino 1603-1663
-St. Bonaventure 1217-1274
-St. Anthony of Padua 1195-1231
-St. Maximillian Maria Kolbe 1894-1941
-St. Clare of Assisi 1193-1253
-St. Junipero Serra
-St. Thomas More
-St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary
-Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain
-St. Louis, King of France
-Christopher Columbus
-Michaelangelo and Raphael
-St. Leonard of Port-Maurice
-Our Founder: St. Francis of Assisi 1181-1226
-ANSWER: They are all Franciscans. There were 19 Franciscan Popes, including my favorites: Innocent XII, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X, XI and XII, Benedict XV, John XIII and so many more...
They were all Franciscans of various orders. Requirement: A desire to become a Saint and a firm will to follow-through. So what is an authentic "Religious Life" for a Lay-Person? What is "The Rule" that of which St. Francis spoke? ...and if you keep "The Rule" and faithfully until death you are guaranteed Eternal Life...
more info about our local group (click here: Marian Friars Minor- Third Order (Vacaville Members at St. Mary's)
Statistics on the TLM in the U.S.A.: Data and the Traditional Latin Mass